The Grasshopper Scheme helps us to prioritise help for those who need it most.
Our philosophy
Our team is dedicated to ensuring that our patients receive the best possible NHS GP services. We care because your health matters.
Our patients and their carers are our partners in care. We listen carefully to our patients and their representatives to ensure they can take charge of their own healthcare.
Who are Grasshoppers?
Some patients have circumstances or conditions which make them more vulnerable and their health can be adversely affected as a consequence.
At Oswald Medical Centre we go the extra mile for these patients to ensure that just like everyone else, they can access services to support their health and wellbeing. Without barriers and disadvantage. These patients include:
- Children aged 10 or under
- Patients with Dementia / confusion
- Patients with Learning Disabilities / Autism or ASD
- Patients at the end of their life
- Patients who are elderly & frail
- Patients who are homeless
- Patients who provide voluntary care to an adult or child who couldn’t get by without their help
- Patients who present as complex / a risk to themselves or others due to mental health issues
We have reflected on the needs of these groups and created our ’Grasshopper’ Scheme. The scheme is about identifying these patients and offering them help without barriers so they can stay well.
What extra help is given
We understand that being vulnerable presents additional challenges and therefore patients can face additional barriers and complexities in accessing some services or in promoting their own health and wellbeing. Those patients who fit the criteria will be supported by our practice in the following ways:
- Same day priority access to GP / ANP appointments
- The ability to order prescriptions by telephone after 10.00am where other modes of ordering cannot be used or pharmacy ordering is not appropriate
- A printed copy of consultations to share with family and carers as required
- Dedicated website page
- Dementia / sight impaired friendly colour scheme in practice
- Identifying and actively involving carers in care
- Double appointments (where needs / complexity require this)
- Translator and interpretation services
- Help for patients to identify themselves to Reception should physical assistance be required
- Ground floor entry and consultation rooms at all branch sites
- A quiet area / room should this be needed
- Appointment times which are arranged with your needs first eg end of the day
- Easy read correspondence